Like a feather caught on a breeze I find myself lifted and floating in life.
I see light everywhere and yet know my shadow self is also present to help with growth when needed.
My girls are expanding and growing in their understanding of life that is greater than I have ever seen within them. I also see their still very young side that I honor and refuse to cut short. Their cute cubby faces are all that is left of the baby body. The minds are ripe and full of wonder. They still get clumsy and they still get whiny. I love it all and take it in with a deep breath and an awareness I will never want to change any moment with them.
School is starting in most circles here in the homeschool community. We are continuing our Child Lead~ Life Learning unschooling approach by simply adding some new activities to our list of life. It's easy to over schedule the heck out of life these days. There is just so much to do and see and learn and be. I let it flow and feel the currents for what feels right for us. How does it serve our family, our core beliefs and will it help us a year from now? These are great questions for life and I'm using them for schooling. It's helped bring focus. It's helped remind me what our goal is here as well as our core values.
When I asked the girls what they wanted to learn their response was learning to cook and learning to drive. The second was said with a giggle. I've decided that learning to ride a bike without training wheels might be in order as a first step towards driving larger than life cars. Girls can dream and their honesty is just one of the million reasons I love them.
I'm also honoring my dreams. Focusing on what I need to do for myself and my creativity. All these things come together to create life. I am very blessed and feeling it with every fiber of my being.
Blessings to all on the start of your course in learning,
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